Reboot: Jugaad’s Indiegogo campaign has been extended to August 26th!


Not a bad place to reboot.


Dear friends,

Apologies for the radio silence! In the past week I’ve made my way back to Canada and spent a few days with my family before diving back into all things Jugaad. A reboot of sorts. I just wanted to quickly let you know that the Indiegogo campaign has been extended to August 26th! Indiegogo offers a one-time extension for campaigns, up to a total of 60 days, so I figured, well why not keep this fire burning? I just might be able to reach my goal, or at least inch a little closer, with a few extra weeks to spare. I would love it if you continued to spread the word about Jugaad and its fundraiser – word of mouth and Facebook posts really work!

As always, thank you for your steadfast support.

With love and jugaad,

Susannah Heath-Eves, Producer and Director of Jugaad

Jugaad is a feature length documentary that explores and celebrates the enduring human spirit in Mumbai, India’s Promised Land. The word 'jugaad' means creative problem solving.


The perfect antidote to Maximum City.